Homework Policy
Homework has always been recognized by the school community as an important medium to foster the academic achievement of students and to extend school activities into the home and community. Homework assignments should contribute significantly to the improvement of the achievement level and interest in learning of all students. Homework assignments should be given on a daily basis in accordance with the minimum time allotments outlined in this policy and should never be used as a punitive measure.
The Value of Homework
Homework assignments serve to:
- Increase the time spent on academic tasks, thus enhancing the academic growth of students.
- Enable parents and other family members to become familiar with the educational program of the school and to be aware of homework assignments.
- Meet the needs of individual students through use of differentiated assignments.
- Help to prepare students for class participation and to reorganize material studied so that new insights are developed.
- Reinforce concepts taught in areas of academic need.
Objectives of Homework Assignment
Homework should:
- Reinforce, extend and enrich skills and knowledge learned in school.
- Stimulate and further individual interests, thus forming a basis for productive use of leisure time.
- Develop independent study skills to foster initiative, responsibility and self-direction.
Characteristics of Effective Homework Assignments
In order to assure quality and value in homework, assignment should:
- Be an outgrowth of classroom instruction.
- Be clear and definite.
- Be evaluated / graded in line with a system that is understood by the class.
- Be checked daily.
- Be meaningful and purposeful.
The Homework Assignment
The assignment may take many different forms. Some types of assignments a teacher might use in planning the children’s homework activities might be: Book reports, view and summarize a movie or T.V. program, study for a test, review notes taken in class, an art project, a committee report, an interview, finding pictures, using the library, preparation for a debate or panel discussion, read a text and answer questions, creative writing, preparation for presenting a play, a science fair project, conducting an experiment, etc.
Time Allotment
All time allotments are suggestive rather than delimiting or mandatory and should be based upon the level of ability and the nature of assignments. Homework should be assigned daily.
- Kindergarten: Homework may be given from time to time.
- Grade 1: 10-20 minutes
- Grade 2: 10 – 20 minutes
- Grade 3: 20-30 minutes
Statement of Responsibilities
- Implement the District Homework Policy.
- Evaluate homework assignments through the review of the teacher’s plan book.
- Keep open channels of communication between teacher, students, parents and educational assistants in order to remain alert to problems or conflicts that may arise with relation to homework assignments.
- Plan homework assignments so that they are geared to the students’ ability level.
- Plan homework as an extension of classwork and never as a punishment.
- Emphasize quality rather than quantity of assignments.
- Review with the students the standard you are using to judge assignments.
- Allow enough time to permit students to copy the assignment in a pad or notebook. Be sure students understand the assignments.
- Remind students about homework before dismissal at the end of the day.
- Correct assignments promptly.
- Notify parents when assignments are not completed.
Teachers are to educate students as to their responsibilities, such as knowing the assignment, planning time for leisure activities as well as homework, method of submitting homework, copying assignments properly, etc.
- Teachers should make parents aware of the following during conference periods:
- Show an interest by checking each evening to see if the homework assigned has been completed.
- Talk with the child to agree on a time and place to be set aside for doing homework.
- Confer with the child’s teacher when there are questions about the homework assigned.
- Assist the child by answering questions or clearing up confusion, but without doing the assignment.
- Signing daily homework assignments.
- Request homework assignments for short term absences and home instruction, if possible, for extended absences.